European Organic Peroxide Safety Group (EOPSG)

PERGAN is a member of EOPSG and with this brochure we would like to give you a deeper insight in safe handling and transport operations of Organic Peroxides in road and sea transport. The described procedures and equipment, supplementary to the legal requirements, represent the standard practices of the authors of this guide.


Storage Temperatures

Organic Peroxides are more or less stable products that decompose under the influence of heat. To prevent a loss of quality during storage it is important that the recommended maximum storage temperature is not exceeded and the minimum storage temperature not breached.


The SADT is the lowest temperature at which a self accelerating decomposition may occur. This temperature must be avoided at all costs.

Emergency temperature

The emergency temperature is derived from the SADT. It is the temperature at which emergency actions have to be taken.

Control Temperature

The control temperature is also derived from the SADT. The control temperature is the maximum temperature at which the product can be transported safely.


The transport of organic peroxides classified UN 3111 to UN 3120, as well as Azo compounds under UN 3234 and 3236 has to be temperature controlled.


As an alternative to our standard cardboard box, pail, drum and polyethylene container, we can supply certain initiator formulations in reusable stainless steel IBC (up to 1.25m³ volume). Packaging in IBCs offers obvious ecological benefits as well as gains terms of logistics by allowing automated and faster handling.

Packing scheme

Here you can see the form-fitting and appropriate standard packaging scheme by choosing the pallet size CP1, CP2 and CP3 and the type of packaging.

1 layer

11 container

20kg container = 220kg
25kg container = 275kg

2 layers

22 container

20kg container = 440kg
25kg container = 550kg

1 layer

8 container

20kg container = 160kg
25kg container = 200kg
30kg container = 240kg

2 layers

16 container

20kg container = 320kg
25kg container = 400kg
30kg container = 480kg

3 layers

24 container

20kg container = 480kg
25kg container = 600kg
30kg container = 720kg

1 layer

6 cardboard boxes

20kg cardboard box = 120kg
25kg cardboard box = 150kg

2 layers

12 cardboard boxes

20kg cardboard box = 240kg
25kg cardboard box = 300kg

3 layers

18 cardboard boxes

20kg cardboard box = 360kg
25kg cardboard box = 450kg

4 layers

24 cardboard boxes

20kg cardboard box = 480kg
25kg cardboard box = 600kg

1 layer

6 pails

20kg pail = 120kg
25kg pail = 150kg
30kg pail = 180kg

2 layers

12 pails

20kg pail = 240kg
25kg pail = 300kg
30kg pail = 360kg

3 layers

18 pails

20kg pail = 360kg
25kg pail = 450kg
30kg pail = 540kg

1 layer

12 container

20kg container = 240kg
25kg container = 300kg
30kg container = 360kg

2 layers

24 container

20kg container = 480kg
25kg container = 600kg
30kg container = 720kg

1 layer

4 drums

150kg drum = 600kg
160kg drum = 640kg
200kg drum = 800kg



Certain initiator formulations can be supplied with


in reusable stainless steel IBC (volume up to 1.25m³).


Quick contact


PERGAN GmbH · Schlavenhorst 71 · D-46395 Bocholt
Tel.: +49 (0) 2871 / 99020 ·

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